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Fighting Legend: Goku [GT Edition]!

Banner for Fighting Legend: Goku [GT Edition]!

An extremely difficult event
on par with
"Extreme Super Battle Road"!

New missions are available
starting from Fri. 10/20 06:30 UTC!

Give it your all in the fierce and
intense battles against Goku!

= Event Details =

Banner for Fighting Legend: Goku [GT Edition]!

You will engage in a series of battles against Goku in this event!
Goku possesses a set of skills, such as damage reduction,
that will be further boosted in each phase!

In addition, Super Full Power Saiyan 4 Goku that appears
in Phase 7 can nullify attack-evading skills when attacking!

Attempt this extremely challenging event
with a team you can take pride in!

* Continues are not allowed in this event.

= Boss Type Information =

Phase 1: [Super STR Type]
Phase 2: [Super PHY Type]
Phase 3: [Super AGL Type]
Phase 4: [Super PHY Type]
Phase 5: [Super STR Type]
Phase 6: [Super INT Type]
Phase 7: [Super TEQ Type]

= Mission Rewards =

Through the Event Missions, you can obtain
Dragon Stones or "Fighting Legend: Goku Ticket"
by clearing each phase!

You can also obtain rewards by completing missions
that require you to clear this event with characters
of certain Categories!

Form teams you can take pride in and
aim to complete the missions!

* One "Fighting Legend: Goku Ticket" obtained from this
event's missions can be used to perform a Single-Summon
in the "Fighting Legend: Goku [GT Edition] Ticket Summon".
"Fighting Legend: Goku [GT Edition] Ticket Summon"
will only be displayed on the "Summon" page when
you possess an aforementioned Summon Ticket.

* The "Fighting Legend: Goku Ticket" obtained from
this event's missions can only be used in the
"Fighting Legend: Goku [GT Edition] Ticket Summon".
The Summon Tickets cannot be used in
the "Fighting Legend: Goku Ticket Summon".

= Other Rewards =

One Dragon Stone will be rewarded for
clearing Stage 1 on SUPER3.

* Obtaining Dragon Stones as a clear reward
can only be done once.

= Event Period =

Permanently available.

* Please note that the event content and dates are
subject to change without prior warning.

We hope you continue to enjoy playing
Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle!

EventEvent10/20/2023, 6:30 AM GMT+0


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With by CapnMZ

Dragonball Z Dokkan Battle © BIRD STUDIO / SHUEISHA, TOEI ANIMATION & ©2015 BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment, Inc. Developed by Akatsuki, Inc.

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