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Super Saiyan Goku
Character Frame
Frieza (Full Power)
Character Frame
Trunks (Kid)
Character Frame
Demon King Piccolo (Elder)
Character Frame
Super Janemba
Character Frame
Super Gogeta
Character Frame
Super Vegito
Character Frame
Majin Buu (Ultimate Gohan)
Character Frame
Super Saiyan 3 Goku (GT) (Golden Giant Ape)
Character Frame
Super Saiyan God SS Evolved Vegeta
Character Frame
Super Saiyan Goku + Super Saiyan Vegeta (Angel)
Character Frame
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v1.14.0; Commenting & Team Builder updates!

Hey hey,

There have been some updates to the site lately. You might have already noticed some of them, since the last update, but let me give you a quick rundown nonetheless:

  • The filters on the characters page were updated. The "My Box" filter can now also filter by characters not in your box and a "Type" filter was added to the Super Attack section.
  • Skill Orbs unique to characters were added to their individual pages. (Acquirement methods will be added at a later date.)
  • The ordering for stages was updated to show the newest first.
  • For the Patrons among you having trouble linking your Patreon accounts to the site, this can now also be done from your profile page.
  • Comments! A lot of pages on the site now accept comments from signed in, verified users. Please do make use of it to share your thoughts, ask questions, etc. 🙂 All the latest comments can be found on the home page.
  • The Team Builder was put on some more steroids. It was made faster by loading your most likely search in advance. Furthermore, you can now share team builder instances using your character box, allowing others to build a team using your characters. Use this to ask for support on, for instance, the various Dokkan Battle subreddits and Discord servers.

I hope you all like the updates. If there's questions, bugs, feedback, let me know on our Discord server or over on X. If you wish to support my work, check out the Patreon page.



Long Overdue Changelog--v1.12.2 Update

I got so caught up in building and fixing things the past 1.5 month that I completely "forgot" (read: prioritised differently) to post updates about them! So, albeit a bit belated, here they are:

  • Added required Awakening Medals to character awakening paths, which link through to information pages about the Awakening Medals themselves,
  • Added Territory Skill information for stage enemies that possess one,
  • Added (animated) card art to character pages,
  • Added applicable support memories to character pages, categories and the team builder,
  • Added acquirement information to character pages, showing which stages drop the character, or which Treasure Items are required to buy them at Baba's Shop,
  • Phased out the long-dysfunctional Japanese version of the site (we're synced now anyway, right!?),
  • Added summon rates to summon banner pages.

Enjoy the updates and, as always, Discord, Patreon, X, etc. You know the drill.


Hey there!

You must be here for the anniversary; I'm glad you are! While you're here, I'd like to bring a couple of things to your attention.

Discord server

We have a Discord server and would love to have you around for a chat. Any suggestions or problems are also most easily picked up from there. Click here to join it. If you have any server boosts left we'll also gladly be the recipient. 😜

X (Twitter)

You can find our X account here; if you're on X already, might as well give us a follow and RT here and there!

One-time or recurring donations

Maintaining a website like this can be a costly endeavor, both financially and time-wise. If you want to help out, consider becoming a Patron or sending a one-time donation. Any support, however small or big, is greatly appreciated!

Thanks for reading and good luck with the remainder of the anniversary! 💚


V1.10.1 Update

Hello, here we are again, with a new update. Version 1.10.1 of the site brings stage information! You can now see stage information on the game's Events. Story, Quest and Z-Battles will follow shortly. Enemy information is constantly being updated as we speak, so if you don't see it for a stage yet, check back a bit later.

Also, Super Attacks now show their type as an icon next to the Super Attack's name.

If there's any remarks or suggestions for the stage information pages, please share them in the Discord server.


v1.9.0 Update

1.9? Where's 1.8!? Well, 1.8 was the game announcements you see right here on the home page. I forgot to post an article about that!

Now for 1.9; summons! In-game summon banners are now visible on the site, along with their featured characters. You can view them here.

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With by CapnMZ

Dragonball Z Dokkan Battle © BIRD STUDIO / SHUEISHA, TOEI ANIMATION & ©2015 BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment, Inc. Developed by Akatsuki, Inc.

This website serves solely for informational purposes. The author is not affiliated with any of the aforementioned parties.

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